Wednesday 10 July 2013

Path Way to Greatness

Accept yourself for who you are. This step is very hard, but you have to try. Say "I'm beautiful and I love me for me in every way." I am wonderfully and prayerfully made. In front of the mirror ten times a day. It may seem silly, but it helps! Once you accept yourself, you can accept others. Think of things you love about yourself and say it aloud e.g. "I am a great dancer" or "I am an awesome cook. 

Look for something doing. Finding a new hobby will keep you distracted from doing bad things. Try new things like drawing, dancing, playing sports or swimming. Look online for ideas, in the news, or ask a friend for a hobby they suggest.Remember that an idle mind is the devil's workshop

Dress the way you want to be address. Wear clean clothes, brush those teeth, shave, take a shower, brush your hair, and wear deodorant every day. This will make you feel good about yourself, and once that happens others will feel good about you.

Walk with your shoulders up. Keep your confidence! Smile a big grin to the world and stand with pride.

Discard any bad friends you have. They are your influence. If you don't ditch them, you will find yourself running in circles.

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