Sunday 14 July 2013


Dress the way you want to be address, was one of the famous quote by the late Arch. Benson. Life is a product of how you package yourself. Don't live yourself for others to package, no one know you more than you know yourself. Vivid example, Check out David and his brother on the battle field with Goliath.
If you give your self for others to package, there is every possibility of you be undervalue. There is something special about you as a person, the earlier you know that the more productive you will become in life. To every product the producer is the one who place the value. iPhone value is determine by iPhone company likewise with Samsung, HTC, Nokia etc. You are God offspring He has said "you are wonderfully and prayerfully made," does that define your value? Before you walk out of that room today don't put on anything that you think will undervalue who you are as a person, make sure you check properly before you put on those clothes.

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